
Thursday, April 23, 2015

'Frankly' analysis on sex assault leaves university students sensation victimized

A study being conducted at almost thirty main universities to estimate the true scope of sexual violence in college is so rife with "plain" language that it is “triggering” and “opening wounds” flashbacks in the students who acquire it, critics say. A number of students were so shocked by the words and descriptions which consist of the language “oral sex,” “penetration,” and “sexual touching,” they had to instantly stop answering questions and told their friends not to take part.
“There’s a line between gathering statistical information and treating students as a figure,” told University of Michigan student Hannah Crisler, who is also part of this the campaign as a director for “I Will” a plan fighting to encourage awareness on this hot issue to stop sexual violence. “I personally become painful with the questions that were being asked and closed participating. Numerous of my friends were also tight or re-triggered by taking the analysis as well.”
 Questions on the survey ask students frankly if somebody touched their “chest, breast, groin, crotch or buttocks” even as they were “passed out, sleeping or incapacitated due to alcohol or drugs.” words goes like far as descriptions like “when someone puts finger, a penis, or object inside someone else’s anus or vagina...etc.”
The talking is necessary to take out the survey's point, told University of Michigan spokesperson Rick Fitzgerald.“It is only by straight collecting this information from students will we be able to avoid negative experiences and effectively reply when they do happen,” Fitzgerald told.University of Michigan sponsored and also supported this survey but did not have straight input into its progress, Fitzgerald said, adding further “participants may leave out any question that they do not wish to reply, or discontinue from participating at any moment.”A “FAQ” page on the Big 10 School’s public affairs page responds to questions and concerns exposure the survey take about twenty minutes and it is “for everybody, regardless of sex uniqueness or experiences.”
 According to the Universities Association of America, which is managing the questionnaire, the questionnaire is billed as one of “the biggest ever on sexual attack” with “participating universities more than 800,000 graduate, undergraduate, and professional students”.After students complete the survey, an e-mail is sent to them from Westat , a private research association supporting in analyzing the information, which states “As a little token of our admiration, by going to the website at the link below, you will be entered into a sweepstakes to win 500 US Dollar.”“Our main reason in conducting this hot issue survey is to assist our institutions gain a enhanced understanding of this complex trouble on their own campuses as well as nationally," told AAU President Hunter Rawlings. "Our very first concern, and theirs, is to guarantee that students not only are secure but feel protected.”
 “It’s nice to see the university hold itself responsible to see if their wakefulness efforts are effective,” told University of Michigan freshman Grant Strobl, who also believes there are further ways our society can superior fix the matter of sexual attack.
 There are nearly 300,000 victims of sexual attack each year, and 80 percent of them are below the age of 30, almost half are below the age of 18.

Alabama poultry farmers track avian flu outbreak

Alabama's poultry farmers are watching extend of a dangerous strain of avian influenza that is sweeping the West and Midwest, which has led to millions of turkeys and chickens being euthanized to prevent its extend.
Poultry participates $15 billion annually in state economy and produce more than 86,000 jobs, according to the Alabama Poultry and Egg Association. The H5N2 virus has already stroke the poultry industries in California, Missouri, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin Kansas, Minnesota and Washington, according to the USDA and media reports.About 3.8 million laying hens have to be euthanized because the virus was found in an Osceola County, Iowa, facility.Avian influenza is obviously occurring; spread by migratory waterfowl, said Dr. Tony Frazier, the state veterinarian.
"What is very essential for the general public to realize is that poultry farming in Alabama is safe and you are free to enjoy poultry farming in Alabama," he told. "And it is very rare for avian influenza to effect people. What makes this outbreak of avian influenza extraordinary is the highest mortality ratio, we are seeing. We haven't seen an epidemic as this in this country in a long time.
"This damage seems to influence turkeys more than chickens. It is very fast reacting; birds showing symptoms expire within 48 hours."
Alabama's poultry industry is located in North Alabama, where mainly of the farms and processing plants are situated. Southeast Alabama, from Barbour County during Henry and Houston County has found a growth in poultry farming over the last several years.
The best policy is for farmers to be watchful in their bio-security, said Huck Carroll, communications director for the poultry farming and egg association.The most universal way for avian influenza to reach is through contact with the feces of effected birds, according to the Centers for infection Control and Prevention's website."You in fact cannot prevent a wild bird from flying wherever it wishes to go," Frazier said. "The better news is there has been slight or almost no spread farm to farm of the infection in those areas where there have been outbreaks. Therefore it seems like the plan to manage the virus is working."
Alabama Poultry
• Poultry farming produces $15 billion annually revenue and generates more than 86,000 jobs.
• Alabama ranked 4th in the country on the whole poultry and egg production in 2014.
• In 2014, there were 172.95 million broilers chickens produced in Alabama, the 2nd highest in the country 
Human infections
Although avian influenza A viruses generally do not effect humans, exceptional cases of human infection with these viruses have been registered. The majority human infections with this harmful virus have reported after close or direct contact with effected poultry. A ranged from soft to severe cough, fever, sore throat and muscle aches requiring hospitalization in Illness .
Outbreaks in North America
• In 2004: H5N2, An outbreak of HPAI virus was seemed in a farm of 7,000 chickens in south central Texas. This was the 1st outbreak of HPAI in the US in last 20 years, and no transfer of the virus to human body was reported. 
• In 2004: an outbreak of avian influenza A (H7N3) in poultry in the Fraser Valley region of British Columbia declared by The Canadian Food Inspection Agency. To prevent the spread of the virus infection, Culling measures and other operations were performed in prevention. Health Canada reported 2 cases of laboratory confirmed influenza A (H7). Both patients infected eye infection and mild illness. Around 10 other poultry workers showed symptoms after having contact with poultry.
• In 2003: A case of avian influenza A virus infection was reported in an adult male in New York, who was hospitalized for respiratory tract illness.
• In 2002: A person involved with culling actions effect influenza like illness when a little pathogenic avian influenza A (H7N2) outbreak reported between turkeys and chickens farms in Virginia. No human to human transmission was reported and the infected person made a complete recovery.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Same-gender marriage opponents urge Supreme Court to go slow

Same-gender wedding opponents accept they face a hard task in trying to persuade the Supreme Court to agree to states to boundary marriage to a man and a woman. But they are urging the court to oppose embracing what they observe as a radical transform in society’s view of what constitutes a wedding, particularly with no more information about how same-sex wedding affects kids who are raised by two Dads or two Moms. The thought that same-gender marriage perhaps has unsure effects on kids is strongly contested by those who want the court to announce that same-sex pairs have a right to get married in all fifty states of America. Amongst the thirty one plaintiffs in the cases that will be argued at the court today are parents who have used up years looking for proper recognition on their kid’s delivery paper or adoption certificates. But opponents of same-sex marriage, in dozens of concise inquiring the court to defend state bans on same-gender wedding, persist they are not inspired by any prejudice toward gays and lesbians. John Bursch, lawyer, wrote in his defense of Michigan’s gay-marriage ban, “This is a matter on which public of good will may reasonably disagree”. Bursch will argue on behalf of the states that same-gender couples can claim no constitutional right to wedding. Same-sex pair now can get married in 36 states and the District of Columbia, the creation of a dizzying pace of change in state wedding laws. Just 3 years ago, only 6 states allowed it. Courts have struck down gay-marriage bans written into in most states laws or enshrined in state constitutions.. The concern for kids is between several threads that run through the legal, social, religious and political arguments being advanced in support of upholding the same-sex marriage bans. Rev. D. Paul Sullins, a Catholic University sociology professor asked , “If children don’t do as fine when they are raised by same-sex parents, why would we want to establish or encourage that as a social norm?”. Sullins has keenly analyzed statistics in administration surveys and concluded that children brought up by two parents of the same sex have a higher rate of emotional problems than their peers rose by heterosexual parents. Sullins has been strictly criticized by sociologists who support same-sex wedding, but he told, he stands by his statistics. Professor said, “I do not know of any Catholic way to compute the equation”. “Same-gender marriage is about cutting the cord between romance and diapers,” he said. “Marriage becomes just about agreeable adults.” Several people supporting the states pressure that a biologically unbroken family is the ideal situation for kids. But they also are careful to recognize the value of adoption, maybe in recognition of Chief Justice Roberts’ role as the father of 2 adopted kids. “Adoption is a vital social good that provides kids a shelter when the ideal, a steady, two-parent biological family, is occupied,” told a short from groups that support biological parenting. Another dispute opponents create is that a ruling in favor of same-sex wedding could lead to opening marriage to 3 or more people. The Rev. Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’ Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission said, “Expanding the meaning of marriage away from the way cultures and evolution have always defined it can only guide to additional uncertainty”. Voters in approximately 30 states, including Michigan, had approved constitutional amendments defining wedding as the union of a male and a female. This case, Bursch wrote on behalf of state of Michigan, is not concerning the best wedding description, but “who decides, the public of each state or the federal judiciary?”

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

FaceBook shift news feed, give priority to friends

WASHINGTON: Facebook officials said today it was just reconfiguring its News Feed, in a progress aimed at giving public more info about what is happening to the friends you care about. The biggest social network of the world unveiled some changes which decrease reliance on “transfer” traffic or the posting of News articles or other content. The aim of News Feed is to illustrate you the content that matters to you,“ said a blog post by Facebook's Lauren Scissors and Max Eulenstein. One of the key changes aims to make sure that content shared directly by the friends you care about, such as status updates, photos, videos or other links , will be top up in News Feed so you are less likely to ignore it,” the blog said further. To make space, Facebook will push down objects such as other people post or commentary on a news story. Many groups have also reported us they do not get pleasure from seeing stories about their friends liking or commenting on a post, Facebook official said. This update will create these stories show lower down in News Feed or may be not at all, so you are further likely to observe the material you care about directly from contacts and the pages you have followed. Facebook also will calm down its earlier rule that prohibited public from seeing multiple posts from the same foundation. This change is designed to improving the experience for public who don't have a lot of content available to see,” Scissors and Eulenstein wrote further. “In the past, we had rules in place to prevent you from seeing multiple posts from the same foundation in a chain. With this updating, we are calming this rule. Now if you go out of content, but want to expend further time in News Feed, you'll find more. While the updates could drive down the so called referral traffic, such as links shared, articles shared or other media links.