
Monday, December 29, 2014

Face-Book Apologizes for “Year in Review” Posts

Face book’s new feature year end didn't revolve as efficiently as considered.
The site of social networking has apologized as after at least someone complained that it’s generated automatically "Year in Review" posts which brought up bad memories in his life. The feature compiles users' pictures from year 2014 and adds the caption automatically, "It's been a great year! And also Thanks for being a part of it."
Eric Meyer, writer and web design consultant, has lost his beloved daughter to brain cancer recently in this year on her 6th birthday, he wrote a blog post describing the reality that the preview for his “Year in Review” post included photo of her daughter, beside with clip art of figures “enjoying festivities”.
“For persons who lived through the loss of loved ones or spent stressed time in the hospital or were punch by divorce or losing an employment or any one of a several crisis and disasters, we maybe not wish for another look again at this past year,” Meyer wrote December 24.
Jonathan Gheller, the manager of the product for the “Year in Review” feature, said that he approached to Meyer for apologize for this on the behalf of his company, which causing hurt him.
The app was amazing for a lot of persons, but obviously in this situation we also brought him grief rather than pleasure, Gheller said. He added that the team of Facebook would take Meyer 's concerns into account for next time.


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